유색잡음에 대한 적응잡음제거기의 성능향성

Performance improvement of adaptivenoise canceller with the colored noise

  • 박장식 (동의공업전문대학 영상정보처리과) ;
  • 조성환 (부산대학교 전자공학과) ;
  • 손경식 (부산대학교 전자공학과)
  • 발행 : 1997.10.01


The performance of the adaptive noise canceller using LMS algorithm is degraded by the gradient noise due to target speech signals. An adaptive noise canceller with speech detector was proposed to reduce this performande degradation. The speech detector utilized the adaptive prediction-error filter adapted by the NLMS algorithm. This paper discusses to enhance the performance of the adaptive noise canceller forthecorlored noise. The affine projection algorithm, which is known as faster than NLMS algorithm for correlated signals, is used to adapt the adaptive filter and the adaptive prediction error filter. When the voice signals are detected by the speech detector, coefficients of adaptive filter are adapted by the sign-error afine projection algorithm which is modified to reduce the miaslignment of adaptive filter coefficients. Otherwirse, they are adapted by affine projection algorithm. To obtain better performance, the proper step size of sign-error affine projection algorithm is discussed. As resutls of computer simulation, it is shown that the performance of the proposed ANC is better than that of conventional one.



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