비동기 DS/CDMA 시스템을 위한 연판정 다단 검출기의 최적 설계

On optimal design of soft-decision multistage detectors for asynchronous DS/CDMA systems

  • 고정훈 (한국전자통신연구원) ;
  • 주정석 (한국과학기술원 전기 및 전자공학과) ;
  • 이용훈 (한국과학기술원 전기 및 전자공학과)
  • 발행 : 1997.09.01


비동기 부호 분할 다중 접속(Code Division Multiple Access: CDMA) 시스템을 위한 다단(mutistage) 간섭 제거 검출기의 매 단에서 기존에 사용되어 온 경판정(hard decision)을 대신할 수 있는 연판정(soft decision) 함수의 설계를 고려한다. 특히, 평균 제곱 오류(mean square error: MSE)의 관점에서 최적인 시그모이드(sigmoid) 함수와 구현시 복잡도를 줄이면서 시그모이드 함수를 가장 잘 근사화하는 다단계 양자화기(multu-level quantizer)들을 유도한다. 다단 검출기의 매 단에서 이들 판정 함수들의 변수는 산출된 입력 특성에 의해 조정된다. 컴퓨터 모의 실험을 통하여 이들 연판정 함수를 갖는 다단 검출기가 경판정을 사용하는 경우보다 현저하게 성능을 향상시킴을 보인다.

We consider the design of soft decision functions for each stage of multistage detection for coherent demodulation in an asynchronous code-division multiple-access(CDMA) system. In particular, the sigmoid function, which is shown to be optimal under the mean square error(MSE) criterion, andmultilevel quantizers that best approximate the sigmoid function are derived. At each stage of multistage detection, the parameters of these decision functions are adjusted depending on estimated input statistics. Computer simulation results demonstrate that multistage detectors employing these soft decision functions perform considerably better than those with hard decision.



  1. IEEE Trans. Commun. v.38 Near-Far Resistance of Multiuse Detectors in Asynchronous Channels R. Lupas;S. Verdu
  2. IEEE Trans. Commun. v.38 Multistage Detection in Asynchronous Code-Division Multiple-Access Communications M. K. Varanasi;B. Aazhang
  3. IEEE Journ. Selected Areas in Commun. v.8 A Family of Suboptimum Detectors for Coherent Multiuser Communications Z. Xie;R. T. Short;C. K. Rushforth
  4. IEEE Journ. Selected Areas in Commun. v.8 An Adaptive Canceller of Cochannel Interference for Spread-Spectrum Multiple-Access Communication Networks in a Power Line R. Kohno;H. Imai;M. Hatori;S. Pasupathy
  5. IEEE Journ. Selected Areas in Commun. v.11 A Spread-Spectrum Multiaccess System with Cochannel Interference Cancellation for Multipath Fading Channels Y. C. Yoon;R. Kohno;H. Imai
  6. Proceedings of 31st Annual Allerton Conf. on CommunicationControl and Computing, Control and Computing Soft-Decision multistage-detectors for asynchronous AWGN channels X. Zhang;D. Brady
  7. IEEE Trans. Commun. v.44 Iterative Multiuser Receivers for CDMA Channels:An EM-Based Approach L. B. Nelson;H. V. Poor
  8. Proc. of IEEE 3rd International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques & Applications v.4-6 Adaptive Multiuser Detection S. Verdu
  9. IEEE Personal Communications Multiuser Detection for CDMA Systems A. Duel-Hallen;J. Holtzman;Z. Zvonar
  10. IEEE Trans. Commun. v.COM-34 Optmum Multiuser Asymptotic Efficiency S. Verdu
  11. IEEE Trans. Commun. v.38 Near-Far Resistance of Multiuser Detectors in Asynchronous Channels R. Lupas;S. Verdu
  12. J. Royal Stat. Soc., Ser. B v.39 Maximum Likelihood from Incomplete Data via the EM Algorithm A. P. Dempster;N. M. Laird;D. B. Rubin
  13. Introductioin to Signal Detection and Estimation H. V. Poor
  14. Digital Filter Design Handbook Marccl Dckker
  15. Vector Quanti=ation and Signal Composition A. Gersho;R. M. Gray