- IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech. v.MTT-28 no.7 Method for equalizing phase velocities of coupled microstrip lines by using anisotropic substrate M.Kobayashi;R.Terakado
- IEEE Trans on. Microwave Theory and techiques v.41 no.8 Modified broadside-coupled microstrip lines suitable for MIC and MMIC applications and a new class of broadside-coupled bandpass filters M.Tran;C.Nguyen
- IEEE MTT v.43 no.8 Accurate Quasi-TEM spectral damain analysis of single and multiple coupled microstrip lines of arbitrary metallization thickness J.T.Kue
- IEEE Trans. Microvace Theory Tech. v.MTT-31 Design of an overlay directional coupler by a full-wave analysis L.Su;T.Itoh;J.Rivera
- Microwave solid state circuit design I.J.Bahl;p.bhartia
- IEEE MTT-S Digest Capacitively compensated high performance parallel coupled microstrip filters I.J.Bahl
- IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech. v.MTT-39 no.12 Asymmetrical, multi-conductor low-coupling structures for hign-speed, high-density digital inter-connects J.P.K.Gilb;C.A.Balanis
- IEEE Trans on. MTT-S Digest An efficient recursive technique for calculation of planar multiple strips on composite substrates for M(h)MIC and high-speed interconects Y.Xu;K.Wu;R.G.Bosisio
- 한국통신학회 v.93-4 no.18 비대칭으로 결합된 마이크로스트립 선로를 이용한 대역통과필터의 설계 윤현보;문승찬;최원형
- IEEE Trans.Microwave Theory Tech. v.MTT-32 no.1 Characteristics of some asymmetrical coupled trans-mission lines S.S.Bedair
- Foundations for microstrip circuits design(2nd) T.Edwards