밀리미터파 초소형 광대역 MMIC 증폭기 설계에 관한 연구

Design of mulimeter-wave ultra-compact broadband MMIC amplifiers

  • 발행 : 1997.08.01


An ultra-compact milimeter-wave broadband MMIC amplifier was designed using a direct-coupled topology combined with optimum feedback design. Significant reductionin the chip size was possible by employing the direct-coupled topology. Bias resistors required for the direct-coupled topology were also used as feedback elements. Feedback was optimized for millimeter-wave frequencies using reactive elements. The fabricated MMIC amplifier was realized in a chip size of 0.8mm$^{[-992]}$ and showed gains higher than 8 dB from 12 to 44 GHz. An output power of 30mW was achieved at 44 GHz with a drain efficiency of 10%.



  1. IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech. v.MTT-33 no.11 Single-Stage GaAs Monolithic Feedback Amplifiers Weitzel;Scheitlin
  2. IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech. v.MTT-32 no.3 MESFET Distributed Amplifier Design Guidelines J. B. Beyer;S. N. Prasad;R. C. Becker;J. E. Nordman;G. K. Hohenwarter
  3. IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech. v.MT-38 no.12 5-100 GHz InP Coplanar Waveguide MMIC Distributed Amplifier R. Majidi-Ahy;C. K. Nishimoto;M. Riaziat;M. Glenn;S. Silverman;S.-L. Weng;Y.C. Pao;G. A. Zdasiuk;S. G. Bnady;Z. C. H. Tan
  4. IEEE Trans. Electron Devices v.ED-28 no.2 Monolithic GaAs Direct-Coupled Amplifiers D. P. Hornbuckle;R. L. Van Tuyl