확장-보간/2D-DCT 기법을 이용한 영역 적응적인 이동보상 오차의 보호화

Region adaptive motion compensated error coding using extension-interpolation/2D-DCT

  • 조순재 (한국과학기술원 전기 및 전자공학과) ;
  • 김성대 (한국과학기술원 전기 및 전자공학과)
  • 발행 : 1997.08.01


This paper presents a new motion compensated error coding method suitable for region based image coding system. Compared with block based conding, the region based coding improves subjective quality as it estimates and compensates 2D (or 3D) translantional, rotational, and scaling motion for each regions. although the region based coding has this advantage, its merit is reduced as bock-DCT (2D-DCT) is used to encode motion-compensated error. To overcome this problem, a new region adaptive motion compensated error coding technique which improver subjective and objective quality in the region boundary is proposed in this paper. In the proposed method, regions with large error are estimated using contour of the regions and contrast between the regions. The regions estiated as those with large error are coded by arbitrarily shaped image segment coding method. The mask information of the coded regions is not transmitted because it is estimated as the same algorithm in the encoder and the decoder. The proposed region adaptive motion conpensated error coding method improves about 0.5dB when it is compared with conventional block based method.



  1. IEICE Trans. on Fundamentals v.E80-A no.4 Texture Coding USing 2D-DCT Based on Exension/Interpolation(EI) S. J. Cho;S. D. Kim
  2. 제 7회 영상처리 및 이해에 관한 워크샵 발표 논문집 확장내삽을 이용한 임의의 윤곽선을 갖는 물체의 부호화 조순제;최재각;이시웅;김이한;김성대
  3. 한국통신학회지 '95-9 v.20 no.9 확장보간을 이용한 임의 영역의 밝기정보 부호화 조순제;이시웅;최재각;김성대
  4. IEEE Transaction On Circuits and Systems for Video Technology v.5 Shape-Adaptive DCT for Generic Docing of Video Sikora;T.;Makai;B.
  5. Accepted for IEEE Circuit and System for Video Technology Spatio-Temporal Video Segmentation Using Joint Similarity Measure J. K. Choi;S. W. Lee;S. D. Kim
  6. transmitted for IEEE Circuit and System for Video Technology A New Contour Coding Algorithm Based on Vector Quantization B. J. Yun;S. D. Kim
  7. transmitted for IEEE trans. on Image Processing A New Affine Motion Parameter Coding Algorithm Based on Parameter Conversation Y. H. Ko;S. J. Cho;J. G. Choi;S. D. Kim