A 3-stages Active Microstrip Phased Array Antenn(AMPAA) is implemented using Injection-Locking Coupled Oscillators(ILCO). The AMPAA is a beam scanning active antenna with capability of electrical scanning by frequency varation of ILCO. The synchronization of resonance frequencies in array elements is occured by ILCO, and the ILCO amplifies the injection signal and functions as a phase shifter. The microstrip ptch is operated as a radiation element. The unilateral amplifier is a mutual coupling element of AMPAA, eliminates the reverse locking signal and controls the locking bandwidth of ILCO. The possibility of Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuits(MMIC) of T/R module is proposed by simplified and integrated fabrication process of AMPAA. The 0.75.$lambda_{0}$ is fixed for a mutual coupling space to wide the scanning angle and minimize the multi-mode. The AMPAA has beam scanning angle of 31.4.deg., HPBW(Half Power Beam Widths) of 26.deg., directive gain of 13.64dB and side lobe of -16.5dB were measured, respectively.