$\Delta$ 변환기 후단 처리용 고선형 저전력 연속시간 필터의 설계

A design of high-linearity low-power contiunous-time filter for post-processing of .SIGMA..DELTA. converters

  • 홍국태 (LG종합기술원 이노베이션센터) ;
  • 정현택 (삼성전자㈜ 시스템 LSI본부) ;
  • 손한웅 (삼성전자㈜ 시스템 LSI본부) ;
  • 염왕섭 (삼성전자㈜ 시스템 LSI본부) ;
  • 정강민 (성균관대학교 전기,전자,제어공학부)
  • 발행 : 1997.07.01


This paper introduces a monolithic chip 3.3V high-performance continuous-tune filter used in a CDP that can reconstruct the PDM or PWM signal output of a .SIGMA..DELTA. D/A converter. We also mentioned an active RC filter structure and filter order satisfying high-linearity and the design specification. In desigining the OP-AMP, using a structure that accepts some distortion we could reduce the chip area, and reducing the DC path using a new biascircuit gave us better power performance. The designed.SIGMA..DELTA. D/A converter post-processing filter does its smoothering operations and reconstructs the data without reducing the performance of the system.



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