Turbo codes, decoded through an iterative decoding algorithm, habe recently been shown to yidel remarkable coding gains close to theoretical limits in the Gaussian channel environment. This thesis presents the performance of Turbo code through the computer simulation. The performance of modified Turbo code is compared to that of the conventional Turbo codes. The modified Turbo code reduces the time delay in decoding with minimal effect to the performance for voice transmission sytems. To achieve the same performance, random interleaver the size of which is no less than the square root of the original one should be used. Also, the modified Turbo code is applied to MC-CDMA system, and its performance is analyzed under the Rayleigh Fading channel environment. In Rayleigh fading channel environment, due to the amplitude distortion caused by fading, the interleaver of the size twice no less than that in the Gaussian channel enironment was required. In overall, the modified Turbo code maintained the performance of the conventional Turbo code while the time delay in transmission and decoding was reduced at the rate of multiples of two times the squared root of the interleaver size.