The design and performance evaluation of a high-speed cell concentrator/distributor with a bypassing capability for interprocessor communication in ATM switching systems

ATM교환기의 프로세서간 통신을 위한 바이패싱 기능을 갖는 고속 셀 집속/분배 장치의 설계 및 성능평가

  • Published : 1997.06.01


In this paper, we propose an efficient architecture for a high-speed cell concentrator/distributor(HCCD) in an ATM(Asynchronous Transfer Mode) switch and by analyzeing the simulation results evaluate the performance of the proposed architecuture. The proposed HCCD distributes cells from a switch link to local processors, or concentrates cells from local processor s to a switch link. This design is to guarntee a high throughput for the IPC (inter-processor communication) link in a distributed ATM switching system. The HCCD is designed in a moudlar architecture to provide the extensibility and the flexibility. The main characteristics of the HCCD are 1) Adaption of a local CPU in HCCD for improving flexibility of the system, 2) A cell-baced statistical multiplexing function for efficient multiplexing, 3) A cell distribution function based on VPI(Virtual Path Identifier), 4) A bypassing capability for IPC between processor attached to the same HCCD, 5) A multicasting capability for point-to-multipoint communication, 6) A VPI table updating function for the efficient management of links, 7) A self-testing function for detecting system fault.



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