Hall's Sextic Residue 시퀀스 및 기타 시퀀스의 Trace 함수에 의한 표현

  • 이환근 (건국대학교 전자공학과) ;
  • 노종선 (건국대학교 전자공학과) ;
  • 정하봉 (홍익대학교 전기전자학부) ;
  • 양경철 (한양대학교 전자통신공학과) ;
  • 송홍엽 (연세대학교 전자공학과)
  • 발행 : 1997.06.01


Pseudonoise sequences of period 2$^{m}$ -1 with idel autocorrelation have been researched such as m-sequences, GMW sequences, Legendre sequences, and extended sequences. The m-sequences, the GMW sequences, the Legendre sequences, and the extended sequences are best described in terms of the trace function by previous works. Besides, there are Hall's sextic residue sequences and miscellaneous sequences with ideal autocorrelation, whose general constructions are not known so far. However, are are no explicit descripton of the Hall's sextic residue sequences and the miscellaneous sequences in terms of the trace function. In this paper, the Hall's sextic residue sequences and the miscellaneous sequences of period 2$^{m}$ -1 are expressed as a sum of trace functions. The miscellaneous sequences with ideal autocorrelation, which are newly found by computer search, are also expressed as a sum of trace functions.



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  4. Math. Computation v.21 no.98 The Cyclotomic to Difference Sets L. D. Baumert;H. Fresricjen
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  8. IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory v.42 no.3 Trace representation of Legendre sequences of Mersenne prime period J.-S. No;H.-K. Lee;H. Chung;H.-Y. Song;K. Yang