Generally, it is very important to study selective coupling between cavities of the filter structure using multimode cavity resonator. In this paper, we have manufactured 5-pole bandpass filter(BPF) using dual and triple-mode cavity resonator. To do so, we have derived the formulas for coupling coefficient about coupling between TE-modes from TM/TE-mode's tangential and lognitudinal field intensities each other. To implement the Chebyshev response, the intercabity slot combining dual-mode and triple-mode is designed to couple one H-field of TE-mode parallel to slot plate. In this paper, specially it is derived the formulas for T $E_{11p}$-mode from TE-modes, and determined after obtaining location and size of intercabity slot from the equation. In this ppaer, based on this result, we designed and implmented teh bandpass filter operated at the center frequency of 14.5GHz with a Chebyshev response. For the manufactured cavity filter, dual-mode and triple-mode cavity are resonted by two orthogonal T $E_{113}$-modes, and by two orthogonal T $E_{113}$-modes and one T $M_{012}$-mode, respecitively. The 2-stage 5-pole BPF proposed in this paper has the insertion loss of -2.32dB, the reflection loss of -15dB in the passband, and the out-or-rejection of -67dB.