- Proc. IEEE v.83 no.6 New trands in very low bitrate video coding T. Ebrahimi;E. Reusens;W. Li
- IEEE Trans. CAS v.34 Recent results in high compression image coding M. Kunt;A. Ikonomopoulos;M. kocher
- Signal Processing : Image Communication v.1 no.2 Object oriented analysis-synthesis coding of moving images H. G. Musmann;M. Hotter;J. Osterman
- Pro. IEEE v.83 no.6 Region-based video coding using mathematical morphology P. Salembier;L. Torres;F. Meyer;C. Gu
- Signal Processing : Image Communication v.6 no.6 Image segmentation towards new image representation methods D. Cortez;P. Nunes;M. Sequeira;F. Pereira
- Signal Processing v.38 Morphological multiscale segmentation for image coding P. Salembier
- IEEE Trans. on Image Processing v.3 no.5 Hierarchical morphological segmentation for image sequence coding P. Salembier;M. Pardas
- Proc. IEEE v.83 no.6 Motion estimation techniques for digital TV:a review and a contribution F. Dufaux;F. Moscheni
- Signal Process. v.15 no.3 image segmentation based on object oriented mapping parameter estimation M. Hotter;R. Thomas
- Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust., Speech and Signal Processing Segmentation and motion estimation of moving objects for object-oriented coding J. G. Choi;S. W. Lee;S. D. Kim
- IEEE Trans. on PAMI v.7 no.4 Determining three-dimensional motion and structure from optical flow generated by several moving objects G. Adiv
- Proc. Visual Communications and Image Processing '95 v.2501 On motion modeling and estimation for very low bit rate video coding J. Konrad;A. Mansouri;E. Dubois;V. Dang
- Proc. Visual Communications and image Processing '94 v.2308 Region-based time-varying quality L. Wu;J. Benois-Pineau;D. Barba
- International workshop on coding techniqures for very low bit-rate video Morphological segmentation with motion based feature extraction N. T. Watsuji;H. Katara;T. Aono
- International workshop on coding techniques for very low bit-rate vedio Morphological spatio-temporal segmentation for contentbased video coding C. Gu;T. Ebrahimi;M. Kunt
- Proc. Visual Communications and image Processing '94 v.2308 Video segmentation using spatial proximity, color and motion information for region-based coding W. H. Hong;N. C. Kim;S. M. Lee
- Computer vision D. H. Ballard;C. M. Brown
- IEEE Trans. on PAMI v.13 no.6 Wastersheds in digital spaces:an efficient algorithm based immersion simulations L. Vincent;P. Soille
- Artifical Intelligence v.17 Determining optical flow B. K. P. Hoen;B. G. Schunck
- IEICE Trans. Fundamentials v.E76-A no.4 Velocity field estimation using a weighted local optimization J. H. Lee;S. D. Kim
- Comput. Vision Graphic Image Processing v.21 Displacement vectors derived from second-order intensity variation in image sequences H. H. Nagel
- Signal Processing v.35 no.2 An Error analysis of gradient-based methods J. H. Lee;S. D. Kim
- International workshop on coding techniques for very low bit-rate video Spatial and temporal image segment ation by feature clustering P. Mulroy