- Digital Compression of still Images and Video R. Clarke
- Signal Prosessing:Image Communication v.1 Object-oriented analysis-synthesis coding of moving images H. Musmann;M. H tter;J. Ostermann
- Signal Processing:Image Communication v.2 Object-oriented analysis-synthesis coding based on moving two-dimensional objects M. H tter
- IEEE Trans. Circ. Syst. Video Technol. v.4 no.3 Object-based analysis-synthesis coding of image sequences at very low bit-rates P. Gerken
- IEEE Trans. Circ. Syst. Video Technol. v.4 no.2 Obtimization and effiency of an object-based analysis-synthesis coder M. H. tter
- Signal Processing:Image Communication v.9 no.1 Redundance reducing coding of moving object shapes G. Heckner
- Digital Image Processing R. Gonzalez;R. Woods
- Computer and Robot Vision v.1 R. Haralick;L. Shapiro
- Image Processing. Analysis and Machine vision M. Sonka;V. Hlavac;R. Boyle
- vision-A Computational Investigation into the Human Representation and Processing of Visual Information D. Marr
- IEEE Trans. PAMI v.8 no.6 A computational approach to edge detection J. Canny
- Proceedings of the Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing An optimal lossy segmentation encoding scheme G. Schuster;A. Katsaggelos
- Proceedigns of International Conference on Image processing v.2 An efficient boundary encoding scheme which is optimal in the rate distortion sense G. Schuster;A. Katkaggelos
- Shape information reduction based on controur prediction and shape coding type J. Chung;J. Kim;J. Moon
- Signal Processing : Image Communication v.8 no.1 Spatio-temporal segmentation of image sequences for object-oriented low bit-rate coding L. Wu;J. Benois-Pineau;P. delagnes;D. Barba
- IEEE Trans. Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing v.Assp-29 no.6 Estimating three dimensional motion parameters of a rigid planar patch R. Tsai;T. Huang