In the broadband integrated service digital networks (B-ISDN), ATM switches hould be abld to accommodate diverse types of applications ith different traffic characteristics and quality ddo services (QOS). Thus, in order to increase the utilization of switches and satisfy the QOS's of each traffic type, some types of priority control schemes are needed in ATM switches. In this paper, a nonblocking input and output queueing ATm switch with capacity C is considered in which two classes of traffics with different loss probability constraints are admitted. 'Partial push-out' algorithm is suggested as a loss priority control schemes, and the performance of this algorithm is analyzed when this is adopted in input buffers of the switch. The quque length distribution of input buffers and loss probabilities of each traffic are obtained using a matrix-geometric solution method. Numerical analysis and simulation indicate that the utilization of the switch with partial push-out algorithm satisfying the QOS's of each traffic is much higher than that of the switch without control. Also, the required buffer size is reduced while satisfying the same QOS's.