새로운 압축 방식을 이용한 인과관계 순서화 알고리즘

A causal ordering algorithm using a new compression method

  • 권봉경 (대우통신 교환연구단 교환연구5실) ;
  • 정광수 (광운대학교 전자공학부)
  • 발행 : 1997.06.01


A vector timestamp is used to satisfy message ordering in a group communications. In this paper, we propose a new vector timestamp compression method which is applicable to a single process group environment where one process belongs to only one precess group. An existing compression method compares the fields of the previously sent vector timestamp with thouse of the currently updated vector timestamp, then sends only the modified fields of the vector timestamp. Unlike the previous one, a proposed compression method performs individual compression for each process using the locally maintained vector timestamp information on other processes. Also, we logicallyproved the causal ordering algorithm using the new compression method and compared the performance of the proposed method with one of the previous compression method by computer simulation. Using the proposed compression method, the message overhead required for causal ordering can be reduced.



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  2. ACM Transaction on Computer System v.2 no.2 Reliable Broadcast Protocols J. Chang;N. Maxemchuck
  3. Ph.D. thesis, Dept. of Computer Science P. Stephenson;Fast Ordered Multicast
  4. Inform. Process. Lett Recording Distributed Snapshots based on Causal Order of Mssage Delivery A. Acharya;B. R. Badrinath,
  5. ACM Transaction on Computer System v.9 no.3 Ordered and Reliable Multicast Communication Hector Garcia-Molina;Annemaria spauster
  6. Technical Report Programming with Process Groups:Group and Multicast Semantics Kenneth P. Birman;Robert Cooper;Barry Gleeson
  7. ACM Transaction on Computer Systems v.9 no.3 Lightweight Causal and Atomic Group Multicast Kenneth P. Birman;Andre Schiper;Pat Stephenson
  8. Operating Systems Review v.23 An Efficient Reliabl Broadcast Protocol M. Frans Kaashoek;Andrew S. Tanenbaum;Susan Flynn Hummel;Henri E. Bal
  9. ACM SIGCOMM'92 Reliablity and Scaling Issues in Multicast Communication Bala Rajagopalan
  10. ACM SIGCOMM'92 An Evaluation Framework for Multicast Ordering Protocols Erwin Mayer
  11. ACM Transaction on Computer System v.5 no.1 Reliable Communication in the Presence of Failures Kenneth P. Birman;Thomas A. Joseph
  12. Operating Systems Review v.30 Fault Tolerance Using Group Communication M. Frans Kaashoek;Andrew S. Tanenbaum
  13. Distributed Systems Exploiting Replication in Distributed Systems Kenneth P. Birman;Thomas A. Joseph;Sape Mullender(ed.)
  14. Proceedings of The 11th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles Exoting Virtual Synchrony in Distributd Systems Kenneth P. Birman;Thomas A. Joseph
  15. IEEE Transactions in Paeallel and Distributed Systems v.1 no.1 Broadcast Protocols for Distributed Systems P. M. Melliar-Smith;Louise E. Moser;Vivek Agrawara
  16. IEEE Transactions on Communications v.Com-31 no.7 A Reliable Broadcast Protocol Adrian Segall;Baruch Awerbuch
  17. ACM SIGCOMM'93 Causal Ordering in Reliable Group Communications Rosario Aiello;Elena Pagani;Gian Paolo Rossi
  18. ACM SIGCOMM v.18 no.4 A Multicast Transport Protocol J. Croweoft;K. Paliwoda
  19. Technical Report MTP:An Atomic Multicast Transport Protocol Alan O. Freier;Keith Marzullo
  20. IEEE Transactions on Computers v.43 no.5 Logically Instantaneous Message Passing in Asynchronous Distributed Systems Terunao Soneoka;Toshihide Ibaraki
  21. Proceedings of the 9th ISDCS Low Cost Algorithms for Message Delivery in Dynamic Multicast Groups Nasr E. Belkeir;Mustaque Ahamad
  22. RFC 1112 Host Extension for IP Multicasting S. Deering
  23. 한국통신학회 논문집 v.21 no.4 중첩된 프로세스 그룹 환경에서의 멀티캐스트 알고리즘 권봉경;정광수;현동환;함진호