ATM 망에서의 Leaky Bucket UPC 알고리즘의 성능 개선에 관한 연구

A study on improvement of leaky bucket UPC algorithm in ATM networks

  • 심영진 (한국통신 기획조정실) ;
  • 박성곤 (원주전문대학 전산정보처리과) ;
  • 조용환 (충북대학교 컴퓨터공학과)
  • 발행 : 1997.05.01


본 논문에서는 UPC(Usage Parameter Control) 기법의 하나인 Leaky Bucket 알고리즘에 Jumping Window 기법을 적용하여 평균비트율을 감시할 수 있는 새로운 사용 파라메터 제어 알고리즘을 제안한다. 본 논문에서 제안 알고리즈은 먼저 Leaky Bucket를 사용하여 최대비트율을 위반한 셀을 표시한 후, 만약 망으로 전송된 셀들의 평균비트율이 협약을 이하라면 표시된 셀들을 망으로 재전송한다. 평균비트율의 측정은 Jumping Window와 같은 윈도우 메카니즘을 응용하였다. 제안된 알고리즘의 성능평가를 위하여 On/Off 트래픽 소스 모델을 가정하고 시뮬레이션을 한 결과에 의하면, 제안한 알고리즘이 기존 Leaky Bucket 기법보다 셀 손실율이 저하되었고, 버킷 크기도 감소시킬 수 있었다.

In this paper, the modified UPC(Usage Parameter Control) algorithm is proposed. The proposed UPC algorithm is based on Leakey Bucket algorithm and adds the characteristics of the jumping window algorithm for monitoring the average bit rate. The proposed algorithm let a cell, which is tagged by Leaky Bucket algorithm, pass through the network, if the network does not violate the average bit rate. The measuring method of window mechanism like jumping window. This paper supposes On/Off traffic source model of rthe performance evaluation and analysis of the proposed algorithm. Therefore, as simulation results, the proposed algorithm acquires more reduced results of the cell loss rate and bucket size than the Leaky Bucket algorithm.



  1. 전자 공학회지 v.19 no.8 ATM 트래픽 제어기술 강상혁
  2. IEICE Trans. Commun. v.E76-B no.10 Evaluation of policing mechanism for ATM networks K. Shimokoshi
  3. IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communications v.9 no.3 Effectiveness of the Leaky Bucket Policing Mechanism in ATM Networks M. Butto;E. Cavallero;A. Tonietti
  4. INFOCOM '92, IEEE A Generation of Some Policing Mechanism B. Lague;C. Rosenberg;F. Guillemin
  5. IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communications v.9 no.3 Modeling and Performance Comparison of Policing Mechanisms for ATM Networks E. P. Rathgeb
  6. Computer Networks and ISDN Systems no.24 A basic requirement for the policing function in ATM networks F. Guillemin;A. Dupuis
  7. IEICE Trans. Commun. v.E75-B no.2 Performance Limitation of Leaky Bucket Algorithm for Usage Parameter Control and Bandwidth Allocation Methods N. Yamanaka;Y. Sato;K. Sato
  8. Queueing, Performance and Control in ATM(ITC-13) Evaluation of Policing Functions in ATM Networks H. Hemmer;P. T. Hwth
  9. 한국통신 학회지 v.20 no.3 A Study on Traffic Control in B-ISDN (ATM Networks) 이기봉
  10. Simulating Computer Systems (Techniques and Tools) M. H. MacDougall
  11. IEICE Trans Commun v.E76-B no.3 Usage Parameter Control and Bandwidth Allocation Methods Considering Cell Delay Variation in ATM Networks N. Yamanaka;Y. Sato;K. Sato
  12. Computer Networks and ISDN Systems v.25 Traffic control in the B-ISDN J. W. Roberts
  13. Teletraffic and Datatraffic in a Period of Change, ITC-13 Policing and Call Admission Problems in ATM Networks P. Castelli;E. Cavallero;A. Tonietti