To implement satellite B-ISDN/ATM network, it needs to gurantee reliable transport via satelite in the poor BER environment. So, it requires to use channel coding (FEC:Forward Error Correction) schemes for improvement of BER performance, but these coding effects evoke burst errors and degradation of the QoS. Therefore we have to investigate new algorithm that compensates these weaknesses. We consider convolutional coding and concatenated coding among FEC schemes as FEC for satellite transmission and choose different compensational algorithm by the error characteristics of the using type of FEC. In using concatenated coding, this paper proposes the satellite system structure for interconnection to the terrestrial network and proposes the channel coding algorithm for improvement of transmission performances. We execute performance evaluation of the proposed algorithm by computer simulation. In detail, we propose 4 types of application ATM cell to the block coding(Reed-Solomon) and propose the new 55 byte ATM cell that enforces the error correction capability of cell header by the BCH coding. Then we propose the outer interleaverand the cell unit interleaver that evoke maximum coding effect of BCH code.