New binary pseudorandom sequences of period 2$^{n}$ -1 with ideal autocorrelation

이상적인 자기상관특성을 갖는 주기가 2$_{n}$ -1인 새로운 이진 의사불규칙 시퀀스

  • 노종선 (건국대학교 전자공학과) ;
  • 이환근 (부일이동통신㈜ 기술연구소)
  • Published : 1997.03.01


In this paper, we present three new classes of binary pseudorandom sequences of period ${2_n}-1$ with ideal autocorrelation. These sequences are newly found by an extensive computer search, and the conjectures on the construction of these sequences are formulated. We also classify the binary sequences of period ${2_n}-1$ with ideal autocorrelation, and enumerate them.



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