This paper presents an algorithm for recognizing surface mount device(SMD) IC pattern based on the error back propoagation(EBP) neural network and discrete cosine transform(DCT). In this approach, we chose such parameters as frequency, angle, translation and amplitude for the shape informantion of SMD IC, which are calculated from the coefficient matrix of DCT. These feature parameters are normalized and then used for the input vector of neural network which is capable of adapting the surroundings such as variation of illumination, arrangement of objects and translation. Learning of EBP neural network is carried out until maximum error of the output layer is less then 0.020 and consequently, after the learning of forty thousand times, the maximum error have got to this value. Experimental results show that the rate of recognition is 100% in case of the random pattern taken at a similar circumstance as well as normalized training pattern. It also show that proposed method is not only relatively relatively simple compare with the traditional space domain method in extracting the feature parameter but also able to re recognize the pattern's class, position, and existence.