범용 DSP를 이용한 3 채널 디지탈 CVSD 전송율 변환기 개발

Developement of a 3 channel digital CVSD bit-rate converter using a general purpose DSP

  • 발행 : 1997.02.01


This ppaer presents a bit-rate conversion system for efficient communications between 3 channel CVSD systems with different bit-rates. The proposed conversion system is implemented in the digital domain and specially, the conversion problem between 32 Kbps and 16 Kbps CVSD systems is studied. The conventional conversion system implemented in the analog domain allows signals to be easily degraded by external noises. To overcome this problem, a digital CVSD bit-rate conversion system robust to external noises is developed. the new systemdecodes CVSD bit sequences and converts sampling rates of decoded signals, then encodes signals at target bit-rates. Since linear phase property does not matter in this application, instead of FIR filters a IIR filter is employed to reduce the system complexity. Therefore, a 3 channel digital CVSD bit-rate conversion system was successfully real-time implemented using a general purpose DSP. In addition, conversion problems with unkown time constants were experimented and good experimental results were obtained.



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  9. 연세대학교 석사학위논문 디지탈 영역에서 구현되는 CVSD전송율 변환시스템 배연수
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  14. TMS320C30 User's Guide Texas Instruments