- J. Plasma Phy. v.17 Electromagnetic radiation from line sources embeded in a moving magneto-plasma sheath P. K. Mukerjee
- IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagat. v.AP-13 Admittance of waveguide radiating into a plasma environment A. T. Villeneuve
- Proc. IRE v.48 The use of magnetic fields in the elimination of the re-entry radio blackout H. Hodara
- Proc. IRE v.38 The telemetry and communication problem of re-entrant space vehicles E. F. Dirsa
- IRE Trans. Antennas and Propagat. v.AP-10 no.5 Radiation from a gyro-plasma coated magnetic line source H. Hodara;G. I. Cohn
- Radio Science v.6 no.12 Radiation from magnetic line source covered with a moving sheath T. Kojima;K. Itakura;T. Higashi
- Radio Science v.8 no.12 Electromagnetic radiation from a slot antenna surrounded by a moving magneto-plasma sheath T. Kojima;T. Higashi
- Master's Thesis, School Eng., Air Force Inst. Tech., Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, Rep. GE/EE/70-10 Radiation from an aperture in a conducting plane coated with a moving plasma layer W. L. Hatt
- IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagat. v.AP-37 no.9 Radiation charactyeristics of planner rectangular apertures covered by a layer of moving cold plasma C. M. Weil
- IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagat. v.AP-17 no.6 Radiation from an aperture in a conducting cylinder coated with a moving plasma sheath K. F. Casey;C. Yeh.
- IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagat. v.AP-22 no.3 Radiation characteristics of a slotted cylinderical antenna surrounded by a moving magneto-plasma layer T. Kojima
- IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagat. v.AP-19 no.3 Radiation from a slot antenna in a ground plane coated with a moving plasma sheath K. F. Casey
- Fields and Waves in Communication Electronics S. Ramo;J. R. Whinnery;T. Van Duzer
- Electromagnetic Wave Theory J. A. Kong
- Electrodynamics A. Sommerfeld
- Electrodynamics A. Sommerfeld
- Time-Harmonic Electromagnetic Fields R. F. Harrington
- The Theory of Electromagnetism D. S. Jones
- Analytical Techniques in the Theory of Guided Waves R. Mittra;S. W. Lee
- Advanced Engineering Electomagnetics C. A. Balanis
- Principles of Optics(6th ed.) M. Born;E. Wolf
- Electromagnetic Radiation from Cylindrical Structures J. R. Wait
- Field Theory of Guided Waves R. E. Collin