- Blue Book Recommendation Ⅰ.121 Vol.Ⅲ.7 Broadband aspects of ISDN CCITT Study Group ⅩⅦ
- 광대역 정보통신 이병기;강민호;이종희
- IEEE Jour. sel. Areas in Commun. v.9 no.2 Performance analysis of a control throttle where tokens and jobs queue A. W. Berger
- IEEE Trans. Automatic Control v.9 no.2 Over load control using rate control throttle:selecting token bank capacity for robustness to arrival rates A. W. Berger
- Proc. Int'l Conf. on Commun. v.1 Design of leaky bucket access control schemes in ATM networks H. J. Chao
- IEEE Jour. Sel. Areas in Commun. v.9 no.3 Effectiveness of leaky bucket policing mechanism in ATM networks M. Butto;E. Cavellero;A. Tonietti
- Draft Recommendation Ⅰ.150 Report R 23-E B-ISDN ATM functional characteristic CCITT Study Group ⅩⅦ
- Computer Networks and ISDN Systems v.25 Perormance analysis of leaky-bucket bandwidth enforcement strategy for bursty traffics in an ATM network Y. H. Kim;B. C. Shin;C. K. Un
- Electr. Letter v.29 no.17 Performance of dynamic rate leaky bucket algorithm J. Y. Lee;C. K. Un
- 1993년도 한국통신학회 하계종합학술발표회 논문집 리키버킷을 사용한 B-ISDN 중간 노드의 성능 평가 강상욱;정남진;홍성찬;여현;최승철
- IEEE Commun. Mag. v.30 no.7 Congestion control methods for BISDN S. Yazid;H. T. Mouftah
- Proc. IEEE Globecom Characterization of packetized voice traffic in ATM networks using neural networks A. Taraff;W. Habib;N. Saadawi
- Proc. IEEE Globecom v.2 Traffic prediction using neural networks E. S. Yu;C. Y. Chen
- Neural Networks v.2 Multilayer feedforward networks are universal approximators K. Hornik;M. Stinchcombe;H. White
- Neural Networks v.2 On the approximate realization of continuous mappings by neural networks K. Funahashi
- Mathematics of Contr., Signal and Syst. v.2 Approximation by superpositions of a sigmoidal function G. Cybenko
- IEEE Jour. Sel. Areas in Commun. v.4 no.6 A Markov modulated characterization of packetized voice and data traffic and related statistical multiplexer performance H. Heffes;D. Lucantoni
- IEEE Jour. Sel. Areas in Commun. v.9 no.3 Modeling and performance comparison of policing mechanisms for ATM networks E. P. Rathgeb
- Asnchronous Transfer Mode Networks: performance Issues R. O. Onvural
- Neural Networks-A Comprehensive Foundation S. Haykin
- 1996년도 한국통신학회 추계종합학술발표회 논문집 ATM 망에서 VBR 신호에 대한 신경회로망 예측 기법 기반의 continuous rate leaky bucket 알고리즘의 구현 이두헌;신요안;김영한
- Proc. 4th Int'I Workshop on Packet Video Congestion cotrol strategies for packet video M. W. Garret;M. Vetterli