전기통신 형식승인 상호인정 모델 정립에 관한 연구

A study on the establishment of model of multual recognition for type approval system of telecommunications terminal equipments

  • 김영태 (한국전자통신연구원 표준체계연구실) ;
  • 박기식 (한국전자통신연구원 표준체계연구실)
  • 발행 : 1997.02.01


With the lanuch of the World Trade Organization(WTO) system, National and international trends toward more liberalized regulation of telecommunications terminal equipments drive the globalization of the telecommunications market. Despite of such trends, most countries have long viewed the type approval system as a major hindrance to overseas maketing because of a hodgepodge of diverse type approval system of telecommunications terminal equipments in each country. But, recently, many countries under these situations try to make a better understanding of respective requeirements of each country's many countries under these situations try to make a better understanding of respective requirements of each country'stype approval system, and where possible to strengthen commonalities, through referred to as "multual recognitio" system for the purpose of the development of procedures for hamonization oftype approval system in "one world, one market". Thus, this paper covers the definition, considerations and the case studies of mutual recognition between countries. Also, this paper suggests the desirable and general model of mutual recognition to be applied all the countries, which are being preparing and processing it.g and processing it.



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