Parameter estimation of mean field annealing technique for optimal boundary smoothing

최적의 Boundary Smoothing을 위한 Mean Field Annealing 기법의 파라미터 추정에 관한 연구

  • Kwa
  • Published : 1997.01.01


We propose a method of paramete estimation using order-of-magnitude analysis for optimal boundary smoothing in Mean Field Annealing(MFA) technique in this paper. We previously proposed two boundary smoothing methods for consistent object representation in the previous paper, one is using a constratined regulaization(CR) method and the other is using a MFA method. The CR method causes unnecessary smoothing effects at corners. On the other hand, the MFA method method smooths our the noise without losing sharpness of corners. The MFA algorithm is influenced by several parameters such as standard deviation of the noise, the relativemagnitude of prior ter, initial temperature and final temperature. We propose a general parameter esimation method for optimal boundary smoothing using order-of-magnitude analysis to be used for consistent object representation in this paper. In addition, we prove the effectiveness of our parameter estimation and also show the temperature parameter sensitivities of the algorithm.



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