어류 Metallothionein의 툭성 및 수질오염 평가를 위한 생물모니터링에의 응용

The Characteristics of Fish Metallothionein and Its Application to the Biomonitoring for the Evaluation of Water Pollution

  • 황갑수 (군산대학교 공과대학 환경공학과)
  • 발행 : 1997.10.01


This experiment was performed to examine the immuno-reactive characteristics of fish metal-binding protein, metallothionein (MT), and gain the practical understandings for the proposed use of fish MT as a biomarker. Liver MT induced by Cd in the silver carp was seperated and purified by gel filtration chromatography and ion exchange chromatography. The immuno-reactivity of fish MT was examined with 3 rabbit antisera. Fish MT showed little reactivity with rabbit anti-rat MT antiserum and a weak reactivity with anti-MT peptide antiserum while showed a strong reactivity with rabbit anti-fish MT antiserum. The time-course change of liver MT in the silver carp, after waterborne exposure to 1 ppm of Cd, was checked by Cd-hem method and established competitive ELISA. In both cases, the induction of liver MT showed a good increasing relationship with the exposure days. The results indicate that the fish MT can be developed as a useful biomonitoring means in the toxicological study and for the evaluation of water pollution.
