도시 자연복원을 위한 인공 습지 조성에 관한 연구

  • 발행 : 1997.11.01


The objective of this study is to increase bio-diversity by developing more efficient methods to created habitats and applying them in introducing prototypes of forest, grassland, and marsh which are found in natural ecosystem, to urban environment. In this context, in creating man-made marsh in Seoul Engineering High School, firstly, philosophical framework to create man-made marsh to restore urban nature and conceptual system to create a region considering life and ecosystem were established. Secondly, by applying the philosophical framework and the conceptual system, water quality section, plantation section, and techniques to create habitats to increase bio-diversity were introduced. Lastly, when the creation is completed, maintenance of the marsh will continue with participation and education of students and residents. This study presents how natural environment can be restored and created in urban areas. This may be viewed as modest beginning. I expect this study proves to be effective in increasing bio-diversity, fulfill its role as an experiment station for restoration and creation of natural environment and natural educational center for students and community as well as habitats for wild life, and open a new chapter in developing a society seeking co-existence of humankind and life. Therefore, when technological guideline on restoration and creation of man-made marsh in urban area is developed based on the outcome of this study, expansion of the project to nationwide including metropolitan cities like Seoul is recommended.
