A study on job requirements and qualifications for catalogers in academic libraries

대학도서관 목록사서의 역할 및 자격요건에 관한 연구

  • 정연경 (이화여자대학교 문헌정보학과)
  • Published : 1997.12.01


The purpose of this study is to find changing trends in roles and qualifications of catalogers by comparing and analyzing job advertisements from 1990 to 1997 and to suggest a direction of cataloging education based upon the trends. During the past years, the development of the information technology has influenced upon the duties of the catalogers and the requirements of the positions. Based upon the knowledg of traditional tools for classifying and cataloging, increasing needs for computer skills, networks, supervisiory skills, managerial skills, communication skills, research activities, and ability to adapt the changing environment were required for the catalogers. If s time to prepare a new cataloging education that produce excellent catalogers for the future.

도서관 환경이 변화하면서 목록 업무가 달라지고 이에 따라 목록사서의 역할 및 자격 요건도 확대되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 달라지고 있는 목록사서의 역할과 자격 요건을 문헌 연구와 미국 대학도서관 목록사서직의 광고 내용 분석을 통해 살펴보았다. 목록사서에게 필요한 직무능력은 전통적인 분류 및 목록도구에 관한 지식에 컴퓨터와 네트워크 활용 기술이 더해지면서 감독기술, 관리능력, 커뮤니케이션 기법, 연구 및 학술활동의 노력, 새로운 환경으로의 적응력, 문제해결능력, 융통성등을 요구하는 것으로 나타났다. 도서관에서 원하는 유능한 목록사서을 양성해내기 위한 목록교육을 재고해야만 할 시점이다.



  1. 연세대학교 대학원 박사학위논문 대학도서관 참고사서의 자격요건에 관한 연구 노옥순
  2. 한국문화원 연구원 논총 v.62 no.2 자동화와 정보기술이 도서관의 조직 구조 및 기능에 미치는 영향 노옥순
  3. 정보관리학회지 v.12 no.2 정리사서의 역할 변화와 업무 재편에 관한 연구 노옥순
  4. 도서관 v.50 no.1 문헌정보학 교육의 변화 엄영애
  5. 도서관학 v.12 한국적 도서관학 교과과정 연구 최성진;윤병태;구본영
  6. Recruiting, Education, and Training Cataloging Librarian : Solving the Problems Developing Catalogers for the Nation : Problems and Issues Avram, Henriette D.;Sheila S. Intner(ed.);Janet Swan Hill(ed.)
  7. Recruiting, Education, and Training Cataloging Librarians : Solving the Problems The Role of Training in the Changing Cataloging Environment Bales, Kathleen;Sheila S. Intner(ed.);Janet Swan Hill(ed.)
  8. Journal of Academic Librarianship v.14 no.3 Automation of Cataloging : Effects on Use of Staff, Efficiency, and Service to Patrons Bednar, Marie
  9. Technical Services Quarterly v.11 no.1 Hiring Tests for Technical Services Support Staff Positions Bednar, Marie;Nancy M. Stanley
  10. Cataloging & Classification Quarterly v.15 no.3 The Academic Paraprofessional Cataloger : Underappreciated Benaud, Claire-Lese
  11. American Libraries v.18 no.8 Who says we don't need catalogers Bishoff, Liz
  12. Cataloging : The Professional Development Cycle Recruiting : Analyses and Strategies Bishoff, Liz;Sheila S. Intner(ed.);Janet Swan Hill(ed.)
  13. Technical Services Quarterly v.13 no.2 Management Issues and the Challenge for Cataloging Education Callahan, Daren;Judy MacLeod
  14. Catalogiong & Classification Quarterly v.7 no.4 Instructional Materials used in Teaching Cataloging and Classification Chan, Lois Mai
  15. Cataloging & Classification Quarterly v.16 no.3 Education for cataloging : a symposium paper Clark, Doris H.
  16. Journal of Education for Library and Information Science v.36 no.3 Theory Versus Practice in Cataloging : Some Australian Experience Clayden,J.
  17. Journal of Library Administration v.9 no.1 The Evolutionary Role of Technical Services Dwyer, James R.
  18. Catalogue & Index v.92/93 What a Chief Requires of Cataloguers : A Personal View Earl,C.
  19. Recruiting, Education, and Training Cataloging Librarians : Solving the Problems Training and Continuing Education for Catalogers : The Electronic Environment of the 1990s Eaton, Nancy L.;Sheila S. Intner(ed.);Janet Swan Hill(ed.)
  20. Library Resources & Technical Services v.34 no.4 The Catalog Librarian : Change or Status Quo: Results of a Survey of Academic Libraries Eskoz, Patricia A.
  21. Library Resources & Technical Services v.35 no.1 Cataloging Librarians and Public Services - a Changing Role Eskoz, Patricia A.
  22. Cataloging & Classification Quarterly v.16 no.3 The Education of Catalogers : the View of the Practitioner/Educator Evans, Enaclare F.
  23. Recruiting, Education, and Training Cataloging Librarians : Solving the Problems Preaching to the Unconverted : The Cataloging Educator's Challenge Frost, Carolyn O.;Sheila S. Intner(ed.);Janet Swan Hill(ed.)
  24. Information Technology and Libraries v.9 no.3 The Impact of Automation on Professional Catalogers Furuta, Kenneth
  25. American Libraries v.23 How Cataloging and Classification should be taught Gorman, Michael
  26. Cataloging & Classification Quarterly v.16 no.3 An Analysis of Courses in Cataloging and Classification and Related Area Offered in Sixteen Graduate Library Schools and Their Relationship to Present and Future Trends in Cataloging and Classification and to Cognitive Needs of Professional Academic Catalogers Harper, Desretta McAllister
  27. Cataloging & Classification Quarterly v.7 no.4 Education and Training of Cataloging Staff at the Library of Congress Hiatt, Robert M.
  28. Cataloging & Classification Quarterly v.23 no.3/4 Requisite Skills of the Entry-Level Cataloger : A Supervisor's Perspective Hill, Debra W.
  29. Journal of Library Administration v.9 no.1 Staffing Technical Services in 1995 Hill, Janet Swan
  30. Technical Services Quarterly v.10 no.4 The Impact of Automation on Operations and Staffing Configurations in Cataloging Departments in Public Libraries Howarth, Lynne C.
  31. Library Resources & Technical Services v.33 no.4 An Educational Challenge : Teaching Cataloging and Classification Kovacs, Beatrice
  32. Recruiting, Education, and Training Cataloging Librarians : Solving the Problems Recruiting Catalogers : Three Sets of Strategies Leonhardt, Thomas W.;Sheila S. Intner(ed.);Janet Swan Hill(ed.)
  33. Library Resources & Technical Services v.39 no.2 Educators and Practitioners Reply and Assessment of Cataloging Education MacLeod, Jury;Daren Callahan
  34. Recruiting, Education, and Training Cataloging Librarians : Solving the Problems Cataloging Education in the Library and Information Science Curriculum Miksa, Francis;Sheila S. Intner(ed.);Janet Swan Hill(ed.)
  35. Journal of Library Administration v.13 no.1/2 Automation and the Renaissance Technical Services Librarian Nichols, Elizabeth Dickinson
  36. Journal of Education and Library Information Science v.33 no.1 Job Advertisements and Cataloging Skills Palmer, Joseph W.
  37. Recruiting, Education, and Training Cataloging Librarians : Solving the Problems Beneath the Stereotyping : Matching Recruitment to Reality Parchuck, Jill;Carol Mandel;Robert Wolven;Sheila S. Intner(ed.);Janet Swan Hill(ed.)
  38. Journal of Education for Library and Information Science v.29 Time Devoted to Topics in Cataloging Course Peters, Stephen H.
  39. Library Resources & Technical Services v.34 no.1 Personnel Selection for Cataloging Rapp, Joan
  40. College & Research Libraries v.53 no.1 The Academic Library Job Market : a Content Analysis Comparing Public and Technical Services Reser,D.W.;A.P.Schuneman
  41. Cataloging & Classification Quarterly v.16 no.3 A Practitioner's View of the Education of Catalogers Riemer, John J.
  42. Journal of Library Administration v.9 no.1 Impact of Automation on Technical Services Rooks, Dana C.;Linda L. Thompson
  43. Cataloging & Classification Quarterly v.7 no.4 The Cataloging Experience in Library and Information Science Education : An Educator's Perspective Saye, Jerry D.
  44. The Journal of Academic Librarianship v.22 no.6 Maintaining the Cohesive Collection : The Case for the Local Cataloger Sheeran, Ruth
  45. Recruiting, Education, and Training Cataloging Librarians : Solving the Problems Dollars and Sense : Training Catalogers Trainer, Karin;Sheila S. Intner(ed.);Janet Swan Hill(ed.)
  46. Cataloging & Classification Quarterly v.12 The Changing Role of the Catalog Librarian : A Report of a study at One Institution Wood,W.
  47. Library Resources & Technical Services v.40 no.1 The Impact of Automation on Job Requirements and Qualifications for Catalogers and Reference Librarians in Academic Libraries Xu, Hong