Cellular Slime Molds in the Littoral Grassland Ecosystems in the Lake Paldangho

팔당호 연안대 초지생태계의 세포성 점균

  • Published : 1997.06.01


Five dictyostelid cellular slime molds were isolated from the littoral grassland ecoystems of the lake Paldangho, safeguard of waterworks, Kyounggi-do, South Korea. They were Poiysphoadylium violceum, Dictyosielium aureo-stipes var. aureo-stipes D crassicaule, D macrocephalum and D gigauteum. P. violaceum was dominant species. It live on the low nutrient and barren soils as the littoral zone destabilized in surface soils, litters and chemicals by inundation an rain precipitation. Key words: Cellular slime mold, Littoral grassland ecosystem.
