폐플라스틱의 선별기술

Methods of Separating Used Plastics for Recycling

  • 발행 : 1997.06.01


Plastics waste constitutes approximately 23% by volume of the municipal solid waste(MSW) generated in the U.S. each year, and have slow rate of degradation in the environment. Therefore, there is a great deal of public pressure to recycle plastics, and more than 100 million people participate in the curbside recycling programs. Despite the high level of public interest, only 3.5% of the plastic are recycled, which is substantially lower than the recycle rates of other materials such as paper fibers, glass, and iron. Although a large part of the reason is due to the low price of virgin polymers, which in turn is due to the low price of oil, it is possible to make the plastics recycling as a profitable business by developing advanced technologies. In this communication, various methods of separating pplastics from metals and from each other are discussed.
