Induced Magnetic Anisotropy of Sputtered FeN Films Due to Substrate Tilting

  • Park, Y. (Soong Sil University) ;
  • S. Ryu (Soong Sil University) ;
  • S. Jo (Soong Sil University)
  • 발행 : 1997.03.01


FeN thin films were deposited by RF-reactive diode sputtering to investigate magnetic characteristics variation due to substrate tilt during the film deposition, and their magnetic properties were measured by VSM, SEM and AFM. When the substrate tilt pivot edges were parallel to the applied field, the magnetic anisotropy was increased When the substrate tilt pivot edges were perpendicular to the applied field, the easy magnetization axis became the hard magnetization axis, and the hard axis became the easy axis as the tilt angles were increased. The reason is believed to be due to the fact that the tilt induced shape magnetic anisotropy became larger than the field induced magnetic anisotropy by DC magnetic field as the crystal grains are enlongated along the substrate tilt pivot edges due to "oblique incidence anisotropy" commonly found in eveporated thin films.



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