The Result of Surgical Treatment of Chronic Otitis Externa in Dog

개의 만성 외이염 수술적 치료예

  • Published : 1997.03.01


The otitis externa frequently occurs in dog. The cause is mostlyan increase of bacterias (for example Staphylococcus spp. Streptococcus spp. and Psudomonas spp.) and/or yeast fungi (especially malassizia pachydermatis) and/or infestation with parasites (otodecits cynotis) which growth is promoted by a change of the microclimate in the external auditory meatus. The worse therapeutic results of medicine is explained by an intolerance and resistence of microorganisms which was often observed. In this study of dog with otitis externa developed a generalised pyoderma. This, in fact, could be a causative factor in the development of otitis externa and its recurrence. Concluded, the surgical treatment is the best method for eliminating chronic otitis externa.



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