- Materials Research and Standards v.1 ASME Committee
- Nuclear Engineering Design no.48 Towards an elastic-plastic fracture mechanics predictive capability for reactor piping M. F. Kanninen(et al.)
- Nuclear Engineering Design no.94 Ductile fracture behavior of circumferentially cracked type 304 stainless steel piping under bending load K. Shibata(et al.)
- 한국해양공학회지 no.8 인장 굽힘 피로를 받는 부재의 피로수명과 균열관통 南起祐
- Int. J. Press. Vess. Piping no.49 Shape Development of Surface Defects in Tension Fatigued Finite Thickness Plates M. D. Gilchrist(et al.)
- Engng. Fract. Mech. no.51 Surface Fatigue Crack Life and Penetration Behaviour of Stress Concentration Specimen K. W. Nam(et al.)
- Engineering plasticity by mathematical programming M. Z. Cohn;G. Maier
- Int. J. Numerical Methods Engineering no.5 A compact FORTRAN sequence for limit analysis R. K. Livesley
- 入門 塑性解析と設計法 石川信隆;大野友則