- 한국윤활학회지 v.13 no.2 전기유변성 클러치의 동력전달 메커니즘, 제1보: 동력전달 메커니즘의 해석적 전개 이규한;심현해;김창호;임윤철
- 한국윤활학회지 v.13 no.3 전기유변성 클러치의 동력전달 메커니즘, 제2호:전기유변성 유체의 온도상승에 의한 성능변화 예측 이규한;심현해;김창호;임윤철
- Scientific American Electri Rheological Fluid Thomas C. Halsey;James;E. Martin
- Proceedings of the 5th Intermaational Conference Electorheological Fluids. Magnetorheological Suspensions and Associated Techmology Z.Y. QIU;L. HU;M.W. etc
- Proceedings of the 5th Intermational Conference Electrorheological Fluids, Magnetorheological Stspensions and Associated Technology Rheological Properties and Models of Dry ER Materials Frank E. Filisko
- Smart Materials and Structures M.V. Gandhi;B.S. Thompson
- Provisional Production Data-TP AI 3565 BAYER AG.
- Poceedings of the International Conference Electrorheological Fluids The Research in the Applications of ER Technology in Engimeering Wei Chenguan;Wei Axia
- Proceedings of the 4 International Conference Electrorheological Fluids Selection of Commercial Electro-Rheological Devices A.B. Couglas
- Proceedongs of the 5th International Conference Electrorhcological Fluids, Magnetorgeological Suspensions and Associated Technology Transfer Function Identation of an Electro Rheological Actuator D.J. Brookfeld;Z.B. Dlodlo
- Proceedings of the 5th International Conference Electrorheological Fluids. Magnetorheological Suspensions and Associated Technology ElectroRheological Catch/Clutch : Inertial Simulations A. R. Johnson;J. Makin;W.A. Bulliugh