Soldium Intake & Excretion of Preschool Children in Urban

도시지역 미취학 어린이의 Na 섭취 및 배설에 관한 연구

  • 김순경 (순천향대학교 자연과학대학 식품영양학과)
  • Published : 1997.07.01


This study was designed to estimate the sodium intake of preschool children . To determine the sodium intake & excretion of preschool children in Korea, dietary behaviors, anthropometry, intakes of dietary nutrients, urinary sodium excretion and preference for salty foods were measured in 42 preschool children (male 26 , female 16, average6.5 years old) and their mothers. The results are summarized as follows. Mean daily urinary sodium excretion was 52.7 mEq(1,212.1mg). This value did not show remarkable change compared with the other studied that were accomplished in the similarage group for about the last ten years. And the subjects showed lower preference for salty taste than those of elementary school children and adults. Mean daily lower preference for salty taste than those of elementary school children and adults. Mean daily urinary sodium excretion were significantly correlated with the frequency of eating out (p<0.01), potassium intake(p<0.001) and urinary sodium to potassium excretion ratio(p<0.001). But there weren't any correlations with mean daily sodium intake, blood pressure, dietary nutrients intake and the preference for salty taste.



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