시판 두유 및 우유가 흰쥐의 체내 철분 영양상태와 운동능력에 미치는 영향

Effects of Commercial Soy Milk and Cow Milk on Iron Status and Work Capacity of Rats

  • 이윤복 ((주) 정·식품 중앙연구소)
  • 발행 : 1997.10.01


Evaluation of soy milk as an iron-rich milk substitute was conducted by feeding commercial soy milk , cow milk and mixed formula(soy and cow milk) to Wistar rats for 8 weeks. Body weight gains were significantly lower in the soy milk and mixed formula groups. Hematocrit, serum iron concentration and TIBC (total iron binding capacity) were measured to determine the iron status of the rats. In these respects, the iron status of the soy milk group was normal. Both serum iron concentration and TIBC as well as hematocrit were abnormal in the cow milk group , which is indictive of severe iron deficiency . Although hematocrit was normal in the mixed formula group, serum iron concentration was lightly low. The work capacities of each group were correlated with serum iron concentration and tIBC rather than hematocrit. The running distance of the soy milk group was about 10 -fold longer than that of the cow milk group. Soy milk may be considered an iron- rich substitute for cow milk due to its higher iron content and bioavailability.



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