경기도 초등학교 급식의 단독과 공동조리 시스템 비용/효과분석

Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of School Foodservice Systems in Kyonggi-do

  • 양일선 (연세대학교 생활과학대학 식품영양학과)
  • 발행 : 1997.12.01


The purpose of this study were to :(a) investigate meal costs, plate waste costs, and advantages/disadvantages of conventional /commissary foodservices and (b) compare the effectiveness of commissary foodservice systems with that of conventional systems. Questionnaires were developed and mailed to 136 schools in Kyonggi-do. A total of 106 questionnaires were usable, resulting in a 77.9% response rate. Teacher's teaching of good food habits and students satisfaction with school foodservices were surveyed in three schools from each system. Moreover, plate waste was measured to express cost and benefit in currency. Data were analyzed using the SAS package for description analysis, t-test, $\chi$$^2$ test, ANOVA, and the Vilcoxon rank sum test. Approximately seventy percent of 294schools in Kyonggi-do were operating commissary systems and most of them were of the rural (reduced paid) type. The number of meals served varied significantly between types of foodservice. The results of this study indicated that average food , labor utility , and supply costs were saved in the commissary system and that the total meal cost/person for a day was 1218.7 won compared to 1452.4 won in the conventional system. Though total meal costs were saved in the commissary system, dietitians had difficulties cooperating with school foodservice committees and supporters associations, especially in satellites of the commissary system. In addition, dietitians and teachers in the commissary system did not carry out teaching activities on good food habits to students as often as in the conventional system. Other problems that dietitians recognized in the commissary system were difficulties in training employees and parents for portion control and serving relatively simple menus. Students, as customers of school foodservices, are very important for system evaluation . Students in the commissary system scored of food itself , cleanliness of tableware, waiting time, quantity of meal and food temperature significantly lower than students in the conventional system. Moreover , the rate of plate waste was 20.5% in the commissary system as compared to 3.3% in the conventional system. Cost-effectiveness (saving 233.7won/person/day) is the main benefit of the commissary system. However , because of lower satisfaction scores and a highest plate waste rate, 201.9won/ person were wasted in the commissary system. The results of this study suggest that increasing the number of meals served within a commissary system might maximize the efficiency of the system, but increasing the number of satellites is not recommended because it might be out of dietitians control in many aspects.



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  2. 국민영양 v.90 학교급식의 중요성 이양자
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  6. 한국영양학회지 v.21 no.6 도시 국민학교 급식의 효과에 대한 연구 이경신;최경숙;윤은영;이심열;김창임;박영숙;모수미;이원묘
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  9. 대한영양사회 학교급식 발전 방안 심포지움 자료집 학교급식 발전방안 교육부
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