총식이조사를 위한 식품의 소비형태 및 식품섭취량 조사 연구

Study on Food Intake and Food Consumption Pattern of Adults as a Part of Total Diet Study

  • 계승희 (한국식품위생연구원 영양연구부)
  • 발행 : 1997.02.01


A dietary intake survey in 2 major city area was conducted as a part of the study which determined the level of exposure of people to harmful substances in foodstuff. A total of 800 randomly selected men and women aged 20-49 yr and living in the cities of Seoul and Taegu were invited to participate in the survey. All subjects were interviewed by trained dietitians to answer for demorgraphic characteristics and dietary intake for 1 day by 24hr recall method, and asked to record what day ate for following 2 more days by themselves. Results were analyzed and presented for the amount and frequency of food intake by area, sex body weight. Food consumed most by adults resifing in these 2 city area was rice and followed by kimchi in the amount of 225.7g/persn/day and 85.0g/person/day, respectively. In the list of foods consumed most frequently, items used for condiments were included in addition to rice and kimchi. And the total daily intake of food per person was summed up to be 1, 534g for men and 1, 304g for women. Considerable part of this sexual difference in total intake was originated from the difference in beverage consumption including alcoholic beverages and the higher intake of certain foodstuff due to higher body weight of men. Intake data were presented din terms of per capita and per kg body weight, and compared among adults in different categories of body weight, also. The data gathered here, food intake by individuals, reflect our own dietary culture in terms of food assortment and relative contribution of each food item to total food intake include the consumption of "extreme" eaters might be found useful also especially for the sake of food safety such as risk assessment using ADI and PTWI for contaminants in the food supply.od supply.



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