시비방법이 버어리종 잎담배의 농경적 특성에 미치는 영향

Fertilizer Placement Effect on Agronomic Characteristics of Burley Tobacco(N. tabacum L.)

  • 조천준 (한국인삼연초연구원 전주시험장) ;
  • 배성국 (한국인삼연초연구원 전주시험장) ;
  • 임해건 (한국인삼연초연구원 전주시험장) ;
  • 김요태 (한국인삼연초연구원 전주시험장)
  • 발행 : 1997.06.01


Recently the method of basal compound fertilizer (N : P : K = 18.2 : 9.8 : 35.0) Placement has been changed from banding to broadcasting in tobacco cultivation. The effects of the compound fertilizer placement, level of fertilizer and additional urea application on the agronomic characteristics, two chemical compositions and physical Properties of burley tobacco(Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. KB 108) were investigated at Chonju Experiment Station, Korea Ginseng and Tobacco Research Institute in 1995-1996. Six treatments consisted of (1) band (method of fertilizer Placement) + In kg/10a(compound fertilizer) + 0(additional urea applied), (2) broadcast+140+0, (3) broadcast+140+25, (4) band+180+0, (5) broadcast+180+0, and (6) broadcast +180+25. The additional urea was applied at hilling. No significant differences were detected between banding and broadcasting method of compound fertilizer Placement in field 9rowth, wield, organoleptic qualify(price Per kilogram), chemical composition and Physical properties of cured leaf, The increased compound fertilizer by 30%(40k/10a) or the additional urea application by 25kg per 10a produced slightly higher yield than the recommended amount of basal compound fertilizer without additional urea application did. It also increased the total alkaloid content of cured leaf. It is recommended that no more basal fertilizer above the recommended amount and no additional urea application are needed in burley tobacco fertilization, even though the method of basal fertilizer placement being chanced from banding to broadcasting. Key words : Nicotiana tabacum, fertilizer placement, additional urea.



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  7. Band application of phosphatic ferilizers Fertilizer factors Miller, M. H.;A. J. Ohlrogge;G.E. Richards(ed)
  8. Agron. J. v.76 Fertilizer placement effects on growth, yield and chemical composition of burley tobacco Sims, J. L.;M. Casey;K. L. Wells
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  10. Tob. Sci. v.34 Response of burley and dark fire-cured tobacco to fertilizer placement methods and starter fertilizer Sims, J. L.;K. L. Wells