Report on the Occurrence of Perkinsus sp. in the Manila Clams, Ruditapes philippinarum in Korean

  • Choi, Kwang-Sik (Department of Aquaculture Cheju National University Cheju Cheju City) ;
  • Park, Kyung-Il (Department of Aquaculture Cheju National University Cheju City)
  • 발행 : 1997.08.01


Five species of intertidal clams including Ruditapes philippinarum, Tegillarca granosa, Solen strictus, Heteromacoma irus, and Coecella chinensis were tested for the presence of the protozoan parasite, Perkinsus sp. using fluid thioglycollate medium (FTM) fortified with antibiotics and histological techniques. Each individual clam was placed in a test tube filled with 10ml FTM, placed in totally dark place, and incubated over a week. After incubation the clam tissues were stained with Lugol's iodine solution and examined under a light microscope to find out any hypnospores of Perkensus sp. in the tissues. Cross-sections of the clams were also embedded in paraffin, sliced to 3um, and stained with Harry's hematoxylene and Picro eosine to observe the presence of tomont or trophozoites. Perkinsus sp. were found in the presence of tomont or trophozoites. Perkinsus sp. were found in the tissues of R. philippinarum collected from Kangjin and Wando, along the south coast of Korea. However, Perkinsus sp. was not found in four other species of clams nor R. philippinaurm collected from Kimnyong and Waido in Cheju. A size-dependent Perkinsus sp. infection was found in R. philippinarum collected rom Kangjin and Wando the clams smaller than 15mm in shell width do not exhibit and Perkinsus sp. while other clams greater than 20mm in shell width exhibit almost 100% infection. To determine the number of Perkinsus sp. in the clams, FTM cultured clam tissues were digested with 2M NaOH solution and the number of hypnospores in the tube were counted. The number of hypnospores counted from the tissues indicated that each Manila clam contains 100,000 to 3,500,000 Perkinsus cells or 20,000 to 1,000,000 cells per gram tissue wet weight. The results of cell counts also suggests that such a high occurrence of Perkinsus sp. in the clam may cause mortality, as already reported from other studies of Perkinsus spp.



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