A Study on the Charactertics of Ecological Architectural Space of Frei Otto

프라이 오토(Frei Otto)의 건축에 나타난 생태학적 공간특성에 관한 연구

  • 최경실 (이화여자대학교 장식미술학과)
  • Published : 1997.06.01


In the process of modermization the problem of environment destruction has become a worldwide issue. And now this problem is a concern for all branches of science, including that of architectural desigv. This thesis tries to find the meaning of ecological architectural space, one that encreases the organic relationship, and communication, between architectrual space and urban environmental space, between human beings and architecture, and between human beings and their environment. As an example, we will take a look at the architectural space-design of Frei Otto, who offers diverse creative ecological architectural forms. His concept of architecture has the critical character when compared with the traditionan conventional concept of architecture. The ecological characteristics of his architectural spacedesign can be summarized as follows: The first characteristic is his ample use of natural objects in the architectural structure. An ample use of living things like trees and plants as well as of inanimate thing like water, wind as architectural elements enhances the functional efficiency of architecture. The second characteristic is its ecological architectural system, which saves energy faciliates ventilation by changing the position and direction of the building, by systematically applying the materials, and by efficiently arranging the inner space. The third characteristic is the dematerialization of architecture and the use of materials that are economical and appropriate for the circulation system of nature. The use of natural elements and recycling natural objects, makes it possible to reuse materials of the destroyed building. In short, the ecological architecture of Frei Otto, which shows the relation between human beings and architecture, presents diverse possibilities of the archtectural space as a complex natural system, which is more than a simple combination of separatge elements.



  1. 포스트 모더니티 Anthony Giddens;이윤희(외 공역)
  2. 생태학 Eugene P. Idum;이도원(외 공역)
  3. 현대건축사조개관 Architektur und St dtb des 20Jahrhunderts Vittorio Magnao Lampugnani;김경호(외 공역)
  4. 토털시스템으로서의 세계;The Workld as a Total System Kenneth E. Boulding;이정식(역)
  5. 건축의 제3세대 Philip Drew;최무혁(역)
  6. 현대건축론(Moderne und Postmoderne) Heinrich Klotz;양동양(역)
  7. Schriften und Reden hrsg. v.Berthold Burkhardt. Frei Otto
  8. Geschichte der Architekturtheorie Hanno-Walter Kruft
  9. Frein natur und menshengerechters Bauen Hundertwasser Architektur Friedensreich Hundertwasser
  10. Okologisches Bauen P. M. Krusche;D.Althaus;I.Gabriedl
  11. Abschied von der Postmodern Gunther Fischer
  12. Architekten heute B.2. Frei Otto
  13. Einfuhrung in die Bau-u Karl-Ernst Lotz
  14. Hauser okologisch geplant Bauer-Bockler
  15. Ph. D. Dissertation in Architecture, University of Pennsylvania A Ecological Theory df Architecture Ko, Ju-Suk
  16. Geschichte der Architektur Peter Delius
  17. Bauen und Wohnen Dieter Beisel
  18. Architektur in der Bundesrepublik Heinrich Klotz