- 최신 소음진동학 김희강(외)
- 예방의학회지 v.10 no.1 기계소음과 회전속도 차봉석;권숙표
- J. of Acoust. Soc. Am. v.55 Noise Reduction by Barriers Kurze, V.J.
- Applied Ergonomics v.9 no.1 Enclosures and Screens for Saw Operators Davern W.A.;Lhuede E.P.
- Industrial Noise and Vibration Control Irwin, J. D.;Graf, E. R.
- NOISE CONTROL Bruel & Kjaer
- 衛生工學핸드북 騷音振動編 山本剛夫(외)