Freezing of an aqueous sodium cWoride solution (Nacl- H20) saturating a packed bed with ini¬tial salt concentrations of 5, 10, 15(k by weight is investigated experimentally in a rectangular cav¬ity. The system was cooled from the top, bottom and a vertical side wall. For the freezing experi¬ments from below, there was little effect of the initial salt concentration throughout the freezing process, and the global freezing rate was not affected by the initial salt concentration. For the freezing from above, the size of the mush region decreased and the mushlliquid interface became flatter as the initial liquid concentration is decreased. For the freezing from vertical side wall, reheating of the mixture was intensified with an increase in the initial salt concentration. For Ci= 5%, supercooling was observed only at the early times of freezing process, but for Ci= 15% small supercooling was observed throughout the freezing process.