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- Prokariotic Genetics: Genome Organization, Transfer and Plasticity Joset, F.;J. Guespin-Michel
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- Korean J. Microbiol. v.28 Transformation is a mechanism of gene transfer in soil Lee, G.H.;G. Stotzky
- Gene Transfer in the Environment Levy, S.B.;R.V. Miller
- App. Microbiol v.53 Adsorptin of DNA to sand and variable degradation rates of adsorbed DNA Lorenz, M.G.;W. Wackernagel
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- Arch. Microbiol. v.157 Plasmid transformation of naturally competent Acinetobactor calcoaceticus in nonsterile soil extract and ground water Lorenz, M.G.;K. Reipschlasger;W. Wackernagel
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- J. Bacteriol. v.145 Effect of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid on deoxyribonucleic acid entry and recombination in transformatin of a wild-type strain and a rec-1 mutant of Haemoplhilus influenzae Noteborn, M.;G. Venema;J. Kooistra
- J. Microbial Methods v.7 The extraction and purification of microbial DNA from sediments Ogram, A.;G.S. Sayler;T. Barkay
- Can. J. Microbiol v.28 Optimal conditions for competence cevelopment in nitrogen fixing Azotobacter vinelandu Page, W.J.
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- Appl. Environ. Microbiol. v.54 Mechanisms of DNA utilztion by estuarine microbial populations Paul, J.H.;M.E. Frischer;J.M. Thurmond
- Appl. environ. Microbiol. v.57 Gene transfer in marine water column and sediment microcosmss by natural plasmid transformation Paul, J.H.;M.E. Frischer;J.M. Thurmond
- Mol. Ecol. v.1 Intergenetic natural plasmid transformatin between E. Coli and a marine Vibrio species Paul, J.H. J.M. Thurmond, M.E.;Frischer;J.P. Cannon
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- Annu. Rev. Microbiol. v.41 Genetic research with photosynthetic bacteria Scolnik,P.A.;B.L.Marrs
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- J. Bacteriol. v.92 Genetic transformation of Neisseria gonorrhoeae to streptomycin reistance Sparling, P.F.
- J. Bacteriol. v.90 Development of competence of Haemopluius influenzae Spencer, H.T.;R.M. Herriott
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- J. Bacteriol. v.56 Evidence for an active role of donor cells in natural transformations in Pseudomonas stutzeri Stewart, G.J.;C.A. Carlson;J.S. Ingraham
- Interaction of Soil Minerals wiht Natural Organics nad Microbes Influence of soil mineral colloids on metabolic processes, growth, adhesion, and ecology of microbes nad viuses Stotzky, G.;Huang, P.M.(ed.);Schintzer, M(ed.)
- Gene Transfer in the Environment Gene transfer among bacteria in soil Stotzdy, G.;Levy, S.B.(ed.);Miller, R.V.(ed.)
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- Appl. Environ. Microbiol. v.56 Transport of genetically engineered Pseudomonas fluorescens strain through a soil microcosm Trevors, J.T.;J.D. van Elsas;L.S. van Overbeek;M.E. Starodub
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- J. Bacteriol. v.64 Genetic exchange in Salmonella Zinder, N.D.;J. Lederberg