슬러지를 이용한 인공토양 생산 및 농자재화 가능성 연구

Feasibility Study of Artificial Soil Production with Sludge and Utilization for Agriculture

  • 발행 : 1997.10.01


Sludge is generated in the process of water and wastewater treatment, and it has been causing various problems environmentally and economically. The firing technology in pottery industry was applied to the sludge treatment, and the final product was called artificial soil. For the production of artificial soil, lime and chabazite was used as additive, and the mixed material was thermally treated in the firing kiln at $300^{\circ}$ temperature for about 15 minutes. The physico-chemical characteristics of the artificial soil was analyzed and it showed that the artificial soil could be used as a soil conditioner for farmland. The concentrations of the toxic heavy metals in the artificial soil were lower than those in the soil quality standard for farmland. It was high in permeability, total nitrogen and total phosphorous concentrations and surface area of the artificial soil compared to the common field soil. Preliminary cost analysis showed that the sludge treatment cost for artificial soil was less than the disposal cost in the current landfill disposal method. This study illustrated that the artificial soil production process can be a feasible alternative for sludge treatment, and produced artificial soil may he applied to farmland without causing significant adverse effect. Further study is recommended for practical application of the system and verification of the longterm effect of the artificial soil on farmland.



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  2. Introduction to Environmental Engineering Davis,M.L.;D.A.Cornwell
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  5. Soil Sampling and Methods of Analysis Canadian Society of Soil Science
  6. Methods of Soil Analysis Part 1 : Physical and Mineralogical Methods, Second Edition
  7. Methods of Soil Analysis Part 2 : Chemical and Microbiological Properties, Second Edition
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  9. 실용신안등록출원서 - 95제1613호 회전로의 소성장치 이남출;나상우
  10. 토양환경 보전법 토양오염대책기준 환경관계 법규 Ⅱ 弘文館