Hydraulic Characteristics of Surface Irrigation in Paddy Field of Direct Seeding Culture -With paddy field of ridge direct dry seeding-

직파재배 논의 지표관개 수리특성 -건답휴립직파 논을 중심으로-

  • Published : 1997.08.01


The purpose of this study is to analyze hydraulic characteristics of surface irrigation in a paddy field of direct seeding culture. Field experiment was performed in the paddy field of ridge direct dry seeding. Simulation by a numerical model was also accomplished with the data obtained from the field experiment. The model was developed by one dimensional zero-inertia equation and finite difference method. From the result of the field observation, the furrows of the experimental field were found to have various geometric characteristics. Advance distance and time were measured both in the field and by the model simulation for various furrow lengths and irrigation discharges. Roughness coefficients of each furrow were also estimated by the model.



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