인공습지에 의한 농촌오수처리에 관한 연구

Study on Natural Wastewater Treatment Systems by Constructed Wetland for Rural Area

  • 발행 : 1997.08.01


Constructed wetland system which can be applied to the rural wastewater treatment system was examined by pilot plant in Kon-Kuk University. Hydraulic loading rate of wastewater was about 0.16m$^3$/m$^2$. day and theoretical detention time in the system was 1.38 days. The effluent of the septic tank for the school building was applied as inflow to the system. The influent concentration of DO was zero but effluent was up to 4.37mg/${\ell}$ which implies that oxygen was supplied enough from atmosphere by reaeration to support biological activity of the system. Average influent concentration of BOD was 104mg/${\ell}$ and effluent was 24mg/${\ell}$ with average removal rate of 76%. Average influent concentration of COD was 215mg/${\ell}$ and effluent was 63mg/${\ell}$ with average removal rate of 70 % . Average influent concentration of SS was 78mg/${\ell}$ and effluent was 10mg/${\ell}$ with average removal rate of 87%. Two components, BOD and SS, are regulated by law to keep maximum water quality standard of 80mg/${\ell}$ when daily outflow rate is less than 100$m^3$/day which is the case of most rural communities. Therefore, the results from the experiment showed that constructed wetland system can meet the water quality standard easily. Average influent concentration of total nitrogen was 165mg/lwhich is relatively higher than normal wastewater, and effluent was about 156mg/${\ell}$ with average removal rate of only 6%. Average influent concentration of total phosphorus was 41 mg/${\ell}$ and effluent was 6mg/${\ell}$ with average removal rate of 87%. Overall, constructed wetland system was thought to be effective to treat wastewater if nitrogen removal mechanism is improved. Considering low cost, less maintenance, and high treatability, this system can be a practical alternative for the wastewater treatment in rural area The experiment was performed during the summer and fall season, and treatment efficiency of the system is expected to decrease in low temperature. therefore, further study including temperature is required to evaluate feasibility of the system more in detail.



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