산지에서의 환경보전형 농업을 위한 토양의 질 평가 -모니터링 시스템의 구축과 기초자료의 수집-

Soil quality Assessment for Environmentally Sound Agriculture in the Mountainous Soils - Installation of Monitoring System and Background Data Collection -

  • 최중대 (강원대학교 농업생명과학대학) ;
  • 김정제 (강원대학교 농업생명과학대학) ;
  • 정진철 (농촌진흥청 고령지농업시험장)
  • 발행 : 1997.04.01


This study was initiated to build runoff plots, install soil and water quality monitoring systems and collect background data from the plots and neighboring soils as the 1st year study of a 5 year project to assess soil quality and develop the management practices for environmentally sound agriculture in mountainous soils. Eleven $3{\times}15m$ runoff plots and monitoring systems were installed at a field of National Alpine Agricultural Experiment Station to monitor soil quality and discharge of nonpoint source pollutants. Corn and potato were cultivated under different fertilizer, tillage and residue cover treatments. The soil has a single-layered cluster structure that has a relatively good hydrologic properties and can adsorb a large amount of nutrient. Concentrations of T-N, $NH_4$-N, and $NO_3$-N of surface soil sampled in the winter were relatively high. Runoff quality in the winter and thawing season in the spring was largely dependent on surface freezing, snow accumulation, temperature, surface thawing depth and so on. Runoff during the thawing season caused serious soil erosion but runoff quality during the winter was relatively good. Serious wind erosion from unprotected fields after the fall harvest were obserbed and best management practices to reduce the erosion need to be developed.



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