- Geoderma v.46 Preferential paths of flow under conventional and conservation tilage Adeini,M.S.;T.S.Steenhuis
- Proc. of the national smposium on refential flow v.1991 Modeling of preferential flow : An unrtain future? Beven,K.
- Unpublished M.S. thesis Prefrential transport of pesticides and chloride to agricultural stream Bordnar,M.
- Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. v.41 The function of different types of macropores during saturated flow through four swelling horizons Bouma,J.;A.Jongrius;O.Boersma;A.D.Schononderbeek
- Water Resour. Res. v.25 Field Scale Transort ofbromide in an unsaturated soil 2. Disprsion modeling butters,G.L.;W.A.Jury
- J. of Hydrology v.130 Simulation of water and chemicals in macro pore soils, Application of linear filtr theory Chen,C.;R.J.Wanet
- J,. Eniron. Qual. v.20 Rhoades, 1991, A functional model of solute transport that accounts for bypass Corwin,D.L.;B.L.Waggener;J.D.Rhcades
- ASAE Paper No.88-2635 Quantifying preferential flow to a tile line with tracers Everts,C.J.;R.S.Kanwar
- J. Contam. Hydrology v.3 Approaches to rapid and for reading hydrological process in the vadose zone ermann,P.F.
- Soil. Sci. Soc. Am. J. v.54 A field study using dyes to characterize preferential flow of water Ghodrati,M.;W.A.Jury
- Tran. ASAE v.34 Impact of pesticides on sallow groundwater quality ish,T.J.;A.R.Isensee;R.G.Nash;C.S.Helling
- J. Environ. Qual. v.23 A two-region model of preferential flow of chemicals using a transfer function approach Grochulska,J.;E.J.Kladivko
- Fundamentals of Soil Physics Hillel,D.
- J. Soil Sci. v.42 Modeling water and solute ransport in macroporoous soil I. Model description and sensitivity analysis Jarvis,N.J.;P.E.Jansson;P.E.Dik;I.Messing
- J. Environ. Qual. v.20 Pesticide and nutrient movement into subsurface tle drains ona silt loan soil in Indians Kladivko,E.J.;G.E.Van Scoyor;E.J.monke;K.M.Oates;W.Park
- Geoderma v.46 Effect of solute application method on prferential flow transport of solutes in soil Kluitenberg,G.J.;R.Horton
- Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. v.58 Preferential transport of nitrate through soil columns containing root channels Li,Y.;M.Ghodrati
- Proc. of the natioanal smposium on pferential flow Moving water and solute through the soil: testing of a preferential flow model Nijssen,B.M.;T.S.Steenhus;G.J.Kluitenberg;F.Stagnitti;J.Y.parlange
- Quartery New York's Food & Life Sciecnces v.18 The flow of pesticides through preferential paths in soils Parlange,J.Y.;T.S.Steenhuis;R.J.Glas;T.L.Richard;N.B.Pickering;W.J.Waltman;N.O.Baley;M.S.Andersoni;J.A.Throop
- Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. v.43 Evaluation of conceptual models for describing nonequilibrium and adsorption-desorption of pesticides during seedy flow in soils Rao,P.S.C.;J.M.Daivdson;R.E.Jessup
- Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. v.44 Exprimental and mathematical escription of nonadsorbed solute transfer by diffusion in spherical aggregates Rao,P.S.C.;J.M.Davidson;R.E.Jessup;D.E.Rolston;D.P.Kilcrease
- ASAE Paper NO.88-2634 Preferential flow ofsolutes and herbicides under irigated fields Rice,R.C.;D.B.Jaqynes;R.S.Bowman
- Physics v.1 Capiliary conduction of liquids in porous medium Richards,L.A.
- J. Contam Hydrol. v.3 Tile rain sampling of preferential flow on a field scale Richard,T.L.;T.S.Steenhuis
- Water Resour. Res. v.29 Preferential flow mechanism in a water repellent soil Ritsema,C.J.;L.W.Dekker;J.M.H.hendricks;W.Hamminga
- J. Hydrology(In press) A simple mixing layer model predicting solute flow to drainage lines under preferential flow Shalit,G.;T.S.Steenhuis
- Soil Sic. Soc. Am. J. v.54 Initial strom efrfects on macropore trnasport of surface-applied chemicals in no-til soil Shipitalo,M.J.;W.M.Edwards;W.A.Dick;L.B.Owens
- Trans. ASAE v.33 Measurement of pesticide trnasport to shallow groundwater Smith,M.C.;D.L.Thomas;A.B.Bottcher;K.L.Campbell
- Proc. of the conference on vlaidation of flow and transport models for the unsaturated zone Simulating preferential flow of water and solutes on illslopes Steenhuis,T.S.;J.Y.Parlange
- ASCE, J. Irri. and Drai. Eng. v.116 no.1 Prefrential movement of pesticides and tracers in agricultural soils Steenhuis,T.S.;W.Staubitz;M.S.Andreini;J.Surface;T.L.Richard;R.Paulsen;N.B.Pickering;J.R.Hagrman;L.D.Geobring
- Geoderma v.46 A numerical model for preferential solute movement in sructured soils Steenhuis,T.S.;J.Y.Palange;M.S.Andreini
- Lewis Pub Overview of the fate of peicides in the environment, water balance: runoff vs leaching, Mechanisms of pesticide movement into groundwater Trigel,E.K.;l.Guo;R.C.Honeyeutt;D.J.Schabacker(eds.)
- Water Resources Res. v.21 Validity of the local equilibrium assumption for modeling sorbing solute transport through homogeneus soils Valocchi,A.J.
- Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. Desalinization of saline soils as a column process van der Molen,W.H.
- Adv. Soil Sci. v.3 The influence of macropores on the transport of dissolved and suspended matter through soil White,R.E.