정밀농업(Precision Farming)에 의한 농업환경 최적관리기법

  • 윤광식 (서울대학교 농공학과 Post-Doc연구원)
  • 발행 : 1997.04.01




  1. Outlock on Agriculture v.23 no.4 Precision Farming an introduction Blackmore,B.S.
  2. ASAE Paper No.923608 A Field Information System for Site-specific Crop Management Han,S.;C.E.Goering
  3. ASAE Paper No.941057 Reflectance sensor and control system for spot spraying Merrit,S.J.;Meyer,G.E.;Von Bargen,K.;Mortenson,D.A.
  4. Water Resources Bulletin v.30 no.6 BMP impacts on watershed runoiff, sediment, and nutient yields Park,S.W.;S.Mostaghimi;R.A.Cooke;P.W.McClellan
  5. Computers and Elecronics i Agriculture v.9 Spatially Selective Applicatin of Herbicide to Cereal Crops Stafford,J.V.;Miller,P.C.H.
  6. Crop Protection v.10 Potential for autonatic weed detection and selective hrbicide application Thompson,J.F.;Stafford,J.V.;Miller,P.C.H.