A case of fatal hematemesis due to an aberrant right subclavian arterioesophageal fistula which is a rare complication of the vascular ring is presented. A 42-year-old man with multiple injury by traffic accident presented severe upper gastrointestinal bleeding and was taken emergent operation. He was keeping tracheostomy tube and nasogastric tube for 7 weeks. We could find an aberrant right subclavian arterioesophageal fistula through left thoracotomy which was made by irritation of the prolonged nasogastric ube. We carried division of the aberrant right subclavian artery and fistulectomy. He was doing well postoperatively. But massive bleeding occurred at the fifth postoperative day. We performed emergent reoperation at CCU and found the tear point on the suture site of the aorta, which might be developed due to irritation of the chest tube andfor infection of the surrounding tissues. He was expired at the 8th postoperative day due to ischemic brain damage.
혈관륜이 있는 경우 드물게 동맥 식도루가 발생하여 대출혈이 발생할 수 있다. 42세 남자환자가 교통사고 후 7주간 비위관을 삽입하고 있던 중 상부 위장관 출혈이 발생하여 응급수술을 하였다. 수술 소견상 우측 쇄골하동맥 기시이상이 있었으며 오랜 비위관 상관으로 발생된 것으로 생각되는 동맥-식도루가 있어 이를 수술교정 하였다. 술후 환자상태는 안정 되었으나 술후 5일째 흉관 자극과 염증에 기인 하는 대동맥 봉합부위의 출혈이 발생하여 재수술을 하였고 의식불명 상태로 술후 8일째 사망하였다.